
Inner Power Meditation - How to Feel Happy, Energized, Alive, and Free

You are never stuck. There are always options and new realities available.

When one door closes, endless doors are STILL open. When one thought limits you, endless thoughts are still available. The more you feel a sense of the Infinite inside, the more spiritual power you have.

How to feel it?

Look up at the sky or at the ocean and visualize becoming ONE with them. Look with child-like wonder.

A few minutes of this can stop worry and struggle in their tracks.

"You change the most permanent-seeming conditions of your life constantly through the varying attitudes you have toward them."
~ Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts

The trick is to encompass a Larger Sense of Self and a Bigger reality. Here is a meditation that will accelerate this process.

This is a video Meditation to Expand Your Sense of Self:

Book Suggestions:

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